Our Gallery
Class 3 - Conductor or Insulator, by Mr Timmis
Class 4 Futurist Artwork, by Mrs Watson
Diwali, by Mrs Jobbins
Class 2 Discover An Alien, by Mrs Stout
E-Safety and No Outsiders, by Mrs Watson
Rev Nancy Welcomes Reception, by Mrs Jobbins
Joe the Greyhound Visits Class 2, by Mrs Stout
Harvest, by Mrs Walker
Class 3 - Woodland Learning, by Mr Timmis
Class 3 - Creating Fossils, by Mr Timmis
Reading Buddies, by Mrs Jobbins
Our First Week, by Mrs Jobbins
Class 2's Wonderful Well-being Displays, by Mrs Stout
E-Safety, No Outsiders and PSHE Autumn Term, by Mrs Watson
Ready to Welcome our New Starters, by Mrs Jobbins
Our Play, Young Voices and Goodbye Year 6, by Mrs Walker
Bible Presentation, by Mrs Walker
No Outsiders Visit - Andrew Moffat, by Mrs Walker
Electricity Workshop, by Mrs Walker
Making Jam, by Mrs Walker
Sports Day 2021, by Mr Timmis
Love Music Trust, by Mrs Walker
Planting and Growing, by Mrs Walker
Forest School, by Mrs Walker