“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” Colossians 3:23

200 Club

The 200 Club is a PTA fundraising scheme in which there is a quarterly draw with prizes. Annual Membership costs £13 by Standing Order and the prizes for each draw are:

1st - £100

2nd - £50

3rd - £25

4th - £10

To join the 200 Club please print and complete HERE or email [email protected]


St John’s Bollington PTA 200 Club Rules

  1. The 200 Club exists to raise funds for St John’s Bollington CE Aided Primary School.

  2. The 200 Club is open to anyone over the age of 16 years who has filled in an application form.

  3. The Club has a limit of 200 members at any one time. If more wish to join, a waiting list will be established and new members will be admitted to the 200 Club strictly in the order they joined the waiting list as vacancies occur.

  4. The annual subscription to the 200 Club shall be thirteen pounds (£13.00) payable by Standing Order, to "St John’s Bollington PTA 200 Club".

  5. The draws shall be held in the months of October, December, March and June.

  6. A subscription for which payment has been made by Standing Order, in accordance with Rule 3 above, shall entitle the registered member to take part in four draws with the first draw determined by the date of payment of the Standing Order and given in the table below:

Date of payment by Standing Order    First Draw

15th May to 14th September                     October draw
15th September to 14th November          December draw
15th November to 14th February              March draw
15th February to 14th May                        June draw

  1. In each draw the prizes shall be of a total value not less than 12.5% of the total annual subscriptions and typically would be:

  • First prize of one hundred pounds (£100)

  • Second prize of fifty pounds (£50)

  • Third prize of twenty five pounds (£25)

  • Fourth prize of ten pounds (£10)

  1. Prize winners will receive cheques at the draw if they are present. If a prize winner is not present then a cheque will be delivered to their address as soon as possible after the draw.

  2. Winning numbers will be announced at the draw and shall be available from the organiser, on request.

  3. It is the responsibility of the member to advise the organiser of any change of address.

  4. If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be placed into PTA funds after 6 months.

  5. A member will be deemed to have left the club and will not be entered into any draw if their annual subscription has not been received. The organiser reserves the right to reallocate any number where payment has not been received.

  6. Any surplus from the 200 Club will be used by St John’s Bollington PTA (registered charity no. 1080613) for the benefit of the school.

  7. The decision of the PTA committee shall be final and binding in any dispute between a member and the organiser.

  8. The 200 Club is run as a small society lottery in accordance with the Gambling Act 2005.

  9. Application for membership shall be deemed as acceptance of the 200 Club rules.

  10. The PTA committee may amend the rules of the 200 Club at any time. Members will be informed of changes by letter or email.

  11. These rules were approved at a meeting of the St John’s Bollington Parent Teacher’s Association.


Promoters:         St John’s Bollington PTA, Grimshaw Lane, Bollington, SK10 5LY

Organiser:          Teleri Cousins

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