Class 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Jobbins
I am Mrs Jobbins and I am the teacher in Reception. I feel very passionate about Early Years! Ms Goodall is on hand to help us with our learning.
Our big classroom is made up of lots of areas for us to explore and investigate. We also love to play outside and in our purpose built outdoor classroom The Den.
Our outdoor space is full of wonderful wooden equipment; our play house, rope and pulley system, den posts and story telling throne are just the beginning! We look forward to making the most of it all and seeing lots of wonderful conversations and moments of learning.
Welcome back our first term of school!
Our first topic this half term is All About Me. We will be focusing on understanding and regulating our own emotions, developing confidence and independence and managing ourselves within our new school environment.
We will use books such as The Colour Monster, The Dot and The Family Book to spark our interest and develop our ideas.
We will learn about each other's families and friends, discuss our likes and dislikes and share our experiences from home.
As Autumn is quickly approaching we will spend time outside, searching for changes in the seasons. We will collect apples and bake together, discussing the traditions of harvest and the importance of sharing what we have with others.
We have so much to look forward to over the coming weeks and we are so excited to share our learning with you.
Mrs Jobbins
Files to Download
Class 1: Gallery items
Class 1: Calendar items
Infant Phonics Workshop for Parents/Carers, by Mrs Green