Class 1: Gallery
A Walk Through Holy Week, by Mrs Jobbins
Easter Garden, by Mrs Walker
Red Nose Day 2022, by Mrs Stout
British Science Week, by Mrs Walker
Ethos Group Worship, by Mrs Walker
Fairtrade Fortnight, by Mrs Jobbins
World Book Day, by Mrs Watson
Children's Mental Week - Growing Together, by Mrs Watson
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Jobbins
Diwali, by Mrs Jobbins
Rev Nancy Welcomes Reception, by Mrs Jobbins
Reading Buddies, by Mrs Jobbins
Our First Week, by Mrs Jobbins
Ready to Welcome our New Starters, by Mrs Jobbins
Sports Day 2021, by Mr Timmis
Mini Beast Hunt, by Mrs Jobbins
Class 3 - Ancient Egyptian Museum, by Mr Timmis
Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, by Mrs Stout
Cheshire Cricket Board, by Mrs Walker
Tree Planting at the Recreation Ground, by Mrs Stout
Wildlife camera, by Mrs Jobbins
British Science Week, by Mr Timmis
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Walker
Santa Dash Day, by Mrs Walker