Our Gallery
Open the Book, by Mrs Watson
Class 3 Homework, by Mr Timmis
Manchester Science and Industry Museum, by Mr Timmis
Young Voices 2019, by Mrs Walker
Mosque Visit, by Mrs Walker
Penpals in Romania, by Mrs Watson
Fun in the Snow, by Mrs Walker
Pinocchio , by Mrs Walker
Space Day Transition , by Mrs Walker
Class 3 Hope Worship, by Mrs Walker
Year 3 & 4 Football, by Mrs Walker
Class 3 Harry Potter Potion Day, by Mr Timmis
Love Music Trust Concert Assembly, by Mrs Watson
Nativity , by Mrs Jobbins
Key Stage 2 Christmas Play, by Mrs Watson
Christmas Lunch, by Mrs Walker
Forensic Science at Tytherington , by Mr Timmis
Hogwarts Applications, by Mr Timmis
Chemistry With Cabbage, by Mrs Watson
Open Evening for Past Pupils, by Mrs Walker
St John’s 50th Birthday , by Mrs Walker
Bags of Help Tesco Update, by Mrs Walker
Pilgrim Day at Chester Cathedral, by Mrs Walker
Class 2 Flavour Tasting, by Mrs Stout
Eucharist and Artwork, by Mrs Walker