Coronavirus Update
Dear parents and carers,
The purpose of this message is to try and give you some updates about procedures for school in September. Last week, the government published a document that sets out guidelines for schools to open fully in September. There will not be many changes to how we are currently operating, but we are delighted that bubbles can be increased to ensure they accommodate a full class, so all children can return to school. Please always remember this is an ever-changing landscape, and the guidance may change.
For the moment these are the important points you need to be aware of for the Autumn term:
- Pupils still need to stay in their bubbles, but these bubbles can now accommodate the full class. There will still be no mixing of children between bubbles, although social distancing rules for children in their bubbles has been relaxed
- Staff must continue to socially distance from the children (where possible) and from other adults
- School attendance is compulsory for every child from September
- School uniform should be worn every day from September
- We will still be limiting the number of visitors who come into school, although peripatetic teachers, sports coaches and forest schools leaders are now permitted as long as they follow social distancing rules
- Children are asked to bring only the essentials into school every day. They will need their own pencil cases as we will still be limiting the exchange of items between youngsters
- Break times and lunch times will continue to be staggered, but the children will be served a hot school dinner every day
- Extensive measures will be taken around the school to promote hygiene
- Extra-curricular activities will be kept to a minimum for the foreseeable future
- Our one way system will still be in operation, and we politely remind parents to socially distance while waiting in the playground
- Large gatherings such as open evenings and whole school assemblies will not take place during the first term
Stagger times
Please note the slight change to the times that classes are asked to start and end the school day. If you have siblings and you can only drop off once, please drop off at the earliest time and pick up at the latest. The new Reception starters will be using the entrance outside their classroom to drop off and pick up.
Class 4 will be: 8.45am – 2.45pm
Class 3 will be: 9am – 3pm
Class 2 will be: 9.15am – 3.15pm
Class 1 will be: 9.30am – 3.30pm (outside their classroom)
Our goal, as always, is to ensure the safety and happiness of all the children in our care. Should the present guidelines change, I will notify you immediately.
With regards,
Melanie Walker
Bollington St John's CE Primary School
Grimshaw Lane
SK10 5LY
Dear parents/carers,
What a roller-coaster of a week it has been. First we received news that Year 2 – 5 definitely will not be returning to school before September. While practically this makes a lot of sense, emotionally it is very hard. We would have loved to see the children return to school. Please make sure they know how much we all miss them and we can’t wait to see them again. However, we did receive confirmation from the local authority that the phased re-opening of school can proceed on Monday as planned. I was delighted that Cheshire East made this decision, which means there is no further disruption to the plans we have in place.
On Monday we look forward to welcoming back the Reception class, who will attend school along with our key worker bubble. I am attaching a booklet with this email that you should find useful as it details the protocols for school from the 15th June. This booklet will also be available to view on the school website under ‘News/Coronavirus Update’. May I just remind you of the following important points to be aware of for Monday:
· Reception hours will be 9.30am – 3.30 pm and the key worker hours are 8.50am – 2.50pm. If you have a child in both these groups and do not want to come to school twice, please arrive at the later time (9.30am) and pick up at the earlier time (2.50pm). Your child will not be allowed inside school before their designated start time. If you decide to wait, please do so in the yard and ensure you remain socially distanced from others who may also be there.
· Please ensure you enter school via the small gate that leads onto the big yard, and maintain our one way system which is marked out. Only one parent should accompany your child/ren. Please arrive at the correct time and ensure you socially distance from other families. Reception children will also be entering and exiting school via the main yard.
· Please do not enter school. If you need to send a message please email. If you arrive late, please go to the yard and ring school. A member of your child’s bubble will come and collect them from the yard.
· The children do not have to wear school uniform.
I apologise if these measures sound strict, but our agreed protocols must be adhered to. This is the only way I can ensure the safety of the whole school community, follow government and LA guidelines and maintain the integrity of our risk assessments.
Bubbles have now been organised and there will be no interaction between bubbles. For your information the staff in each bubble is as follows:
Reception – Mrs Jobbins, Miss Short, Mrs Roberts and Mr Lovick at lunch.
Year 1 – Mrs Stout, Mrs Hyde and Mrs Howarth.
Year 6 – Mrs Watson, Mr Read and Miss Boustead at lunch.
Key worker – Mr Timmis, Mrs Harris and Miss Kemp.
Please be aware staff are entitled to PPA and have allocated time to allow them to continue to set online work for their mixed age classes. So there will be times when certain members of staff are away from their bubbles – but they will not be joining other bubbles. (I do look forward to the day I never have to use the word bubble again!) All staff are back in school from Monday, so please understand the online learning may be uploaded weekly due to staff daily teaching commitments.
I had a further meeting with Cllr Roland Edwards this week and he will be placing warning signs around the school. The pavement is due to be painted to remind pedestrians to socially distance. He still hopes to put a temporary pedestrian crossing outside the school and to reduce the speed to 20mph. However, as these measures need CEC approval they may not be in place for some time. Also this week I recorded a little introduction to our virtual Talent Show. I am so thrilled this event can take place and hope lots of the children enter.
Mrs Watson and I are already giving great thought to the last day of term. Obviously this year is very different, and there will not be a Leaver’s Play etc., but we are hopeful to do something to say goodbye to these amazing children. If you do not intend to send your Year 6 child back on the 29th June, but would like them to come to school on the last day of term and take part in this small event, please email Mrs Watson and let her know.
Remember, we are always here for you and you remain in my thoughts and prayers.
With warmest wishes,
Melanie Walker
Dear parents/carers,
Once again, as we approach the end of another challenging week, I hope this message finds you all safe and well. First, can I take this opportunity to thank all the parents who have written to me with words of support and encouragement during these unprecedented times. Your messages have been very much appreciated.
In last week’s letter I set out the measures being undertaken in school in line with the possibility of a phased year group re-opening of school from June 1st. As mentioned in this message, June 1st was always a date put forward as the earliest possible start date, in an ever changing landscape.
Today the local authority took the decision to stagger the phased re-opening of year groups across Cheshire East. This decision was taken to ensure all safety measures were in place in all schools, and, I’m sure, to allow the government time to have test and trace facilities up and running adequately. These measures are necessary to ensure the safety of our whole school community.
As a result of the cabinet decision at the LA, we will now be starting our phased re-opening of year groups specified by the government, on June 15th for Reception children. This will be followed by Year 1 children on June 22nd and Year 6 on June 29th. All schools in Cheshire East will be following these dates, we cannot open earlier for these children.
School has remained open during this entire period for vulnerable children and the children of key workers. Mrs Bostock had already asked these families, via our initial return to school survey, if they required a school place from June 1st. If you have not yet replied and require a key worker place from June 1st, please email [email protected]
I know there will be a mixed response to this news. Some of you had indicated that June 1st was too soon, and you would not be sending your child back in then. So for you, this news will be welcomed as a sensible strategy. Others of you wanted your child back in school, and so the delay may have caused you extra frustration. If this is the case I am sorry, but I hope you understand that the timings are out of my control. Hopefully there will not be another change to this timeframe.
It has been a trying time for us all, but I get through these days remembering the smiles of the children. As always, I do hope you know how much we miss you all and how we are holding you in our hearts and prayers always.
With warmest wishes,
Melanie Walker
Bollington St John's CE Primary School
Grimshaw Lane
SK10 5LY
CORONAVIRUS - Information regarding the spread of the virus, and its impact on our school
Dear parents, carers and children,
I hope you and your families are all well and safe.
As the government has announced the lockdown will continue for at least three weeks, teachers will continue to share planning for home-learning via the website. Remember these plans are meant to be helpful to you, and are for you to use at your discretion. If you cannot follow them all, please do not worry. Likewise, if you want to do more, that is great. The most important thing is that you stay safe and put the well-being of your family first.
I hope parents have had some fun completing the tasks with their children, in the knowledge that we are all thinking of you and miss you.
Children, I hope you know that it is okay if you are sometimes overrun with feelings or sadness, as you miss your friends and extended family members. Be kind to yourself and remember these are very strange times, but you are doing wonderfully. Everyone will be feeling a whole range of emotions at this time. I know I am! But that’s okay, and I hope it helps to have someone say that to you. Most importantly always remember we can’t wait to see you all again.
While I’m aware that many of us, myself included, still have plenty to be thankful for, I know there are people who are not so fortunate, and may be going through a difficult time right now. Let us hold these people in our thoughts and prayers.
We are a loving community, a family and we will get through this together. So let’s also remember to say hello (from a distance) to the people you meet while on your daily exercise, to thank the key-workers and take heart in the fact that we have each other and, in so many ways, we are so much luckier than so many other people.
Finally please take a moment to look at this book if you think it may help to answer any concerns you have regarding coronavirus
Treasure each other, and see you all soon.
Warmest wishes,
Mrs Walker.
From Monday 23rd March, the announcement by the Secretary of State said that we will only be open to children of key workers, children with an educational health care plan and children supported by a social worker. The Government will provide more information about who it defines as key workers after the Cabinet Meeting tomorrow.
Parents are advised to read the government's guidance on staying at home in the case of suspected coronavirus infection. This is based on the most significant symptoms of:
- new continuous cough, and/or
- high temperature (37.8°C)
If children, or anyone in your household develop either of these symptoms, they should be kept at home for a period of 14 days from the onset of the symptoms. See stay at home guidance below:
Please see the link below for guidance on social distancing:
In school, we will continue to encourage regular handwashing, and the use of tissues to 'Catch It, Bin It, Kill It'.
Up-to-date information on the actions taken by Public Health England are available on their website: