Class 4: Gallery
Academies Week 1, by Mrs Walker
Talent Shows, by Mrs Watson
National Hedgerow Week, by Mr Timmis
Ducklings, by Mrs Jobbins
Forest Schools, by Mrs Watson
Easter Fun!, by Mrs Watson
The Story of English - Illuminated Letters, by Mrs Watson
Cheadle Masjid Mosque Visit, by Mrs Watson
900CE Masquerade Masks, by Mrs Watson
Year 5 Forest Schools, by Mrs Watson
Anchor Creative Education SPaG Day, by Mrs Watson
Chemistry with Cabbage - Forces Workshop, by Mrs Watson
Bake It, by Mr Timmis
National Poetry Day, by Mrs Raniwalla
Reading Buddies, by Mrs Watson
Love Music Trust Starts in Class 4, by Mrs Watson
Year 6 Leavers' Assembly, by Mrs Watson
Marc Makes Comics Visit, by Mr Timmis
RSPB- Swift Talk, by Mrs Watson
Year 6 Bible Presentation, by Mrs Walker
Chris Lubbe Visit, by Mr Timmis
Planetarium, by Mrs Watson
A visit from Beverley, by Mrs Stout
Forest Schools, by Mrs Watson
Young Voices, by Mrs Stout