“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” Colossians 3:23

Class 2: Gallery

Woven Wonders, by Mr Hanson

Can You Roll a Double?, by Mr Hanson

Wild and Garden Plants, by Mr Hanson

Church Visit, by Mr Hanson

Victorian Toys Workshop, by Mr Hanson

Woven Wonders, by Mr Hanson

Plants, by Mr Hanson

Forests, by Mr Hanson

Parts of a Computer, by Mr Hanson

British Science Week, by Mr Hanson

World Book Day, by Mrs Watson

Mars Day, by Mr Hanson

Mighty Writer, by Mr Hanson

Lunar/Chinese New Year, by Mr Hanson

Forest School, by Mr Hanson

How Have Toys Changed?, by Mr Hanson

Taste Test, by Mr Hanson

Bird Feeders, by Mrs Walker

Year 2 Parent Lunch, by Mr Hanson

Body Parts, by Mr Hanson

Open the Book, by Mrs Watson

Chester Zoo Trip, by Mrs Jobbins

2D Shapes, by Mr Hanson

Christmas Lunch 2023, by Mr Timmis

Infant Nativity, by Mrs Jobbins

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