Our News items
Silk FM Breaking News, by Mrs Walker
Save the Children- Christmas Jumper Day, by Mrs Watson
Christmas Lunch, by Mrs Walker
Choir sing at Shrigley Hall , by Mrs Stout
Class 4 STEM worship, by Mrs Watson
Christingle, by Mrs Walker
Press Statement from the Local Authority, by Mrs Walker
Operation Christmas Child, by Mrs Hamnett
Anti-Bullying Week, by Mrs Jobbins
Armistice Day, by Mrs Jobbins
Class 2 meet Sally Starlight, by Mrs Stout
Our STEM Week - with Tim O' Brien, by Mrs Watson
Mayor Opens EYFS Outside Equipment, by Mrs Walker
Harvest Festival, by Mrs Watson
Library Bus, by Mrs Jobbins
Our Trip to the Random Apple Company, by Mrs Walker
World Children's Mental Health Day, by Mrs Walker
Secret Reader, by Mrs Jobbins
Class 2 Meet a Hedgehog, by Mrs Stout
Healthy Sandwich Making, by Mrs Stout
Sustainability Workshop, by Mrs Watson
Rev Veronica Welcomes Reception, by Mrs Walker
Online Advice from the SCiES Team, by Mrs Walker
Federation E-Safety, by Mrs Watson
Class 4 are logged in!, by Mrs Watson