Our News items
Refugee Week, by Miss Hammersley
St Oswald's Church Moses Experience, by Mrs Watson
Football Update - Player of the Tournament, by Mrs Walker
2017 Academies Week 2!, by Miss School
Youth Speaks, by Mrs Walker
Come and Play with the Halle, by Mrs Walker
Year 5 Fire Safety Assembly, by Mrs Walker
2017 Academies Week One!, by Miss School
Stellar Debating, by Mrs Walker
A Minutes Silence - Hands of Friendship, by Mrs Walker
Macclesfield Garden Festival, by Mrs Walker
St John's Prospectus, by Mrs Walker
Assembly led by CE Enforcement Officer, by Mrs Watson
Come and Play with the Halle, by Mrs Walker
Class 3 Cricket, by Miss Hammersley
Woodland School Development , by Mrs Jobbins
Easter Service, by Mrs Walker
More Ducklings , by Mrs Walker
Year 3 Eucharist, by Miss Hammersley
Duckling Update, by Mrs Watson
Ofsted Breaking News, by Mrs Walker
Bollington Mayor Visits, by Mrs Walker
Comic Relief, by Mrs Watson
Cross Country Finals, by Mrs Walker
World Down Syndrome Day, by Mrs Walker