Our News items
Year 4 Parent Lunch, by Mrs Walker
The Big Sing, by Mrs Walker
Orienteering , by Mrs Walker
Gospel Train, by Mrs Walker
Squash and Football, by Mrs Walker
Year 6 Hoodies , by Mrs Walker
SATs , by Mrs Walker
Class 3 Tennis Tournament , by Mrs Walker
Class 3 Allotment , by Mr Timmis
Bollington Festival, by Mrs Walker
Swimathon Donation, by Mrs Walker
Big Sing, by Mrs Walker
Year 5 Transition , by Mrs Walker
Year 3 Parent Lunch, by Mrs Walker
Easter Assembly, by Mrs Walker
International School Award, by Mrs Walker
Plant Dissection in Reception, by Mrs Walker
Rationing in Class 2, by Mrs Stout
Council of Councils Presentation, by Mrs Walker
Class Two’s Morrison Shelters, by Mrs Stout
First Aid Training, by Mrs Watson
London’s Burning , by Mrs Stout
Rev Veronica’s Worship, by Mrs Walker
Swimathon, by Mrs Watson
Class 2 meet Samuel Pepys , by Mrs Stout