First Aid - Bleeding
Lesson: PSHE and citizenship
Class: Class 4 Year: 2024 - 2025
Today, Ms Forrest taught Class 4 all about the role of our heart and the vessels that carry our blood, the importance of blood and what blood is/what it’s made up of. We learned all about the role of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
They then found out about the signs and symptoms of a blood loss injury. We found out about-
-Assessing a situation to keep ourselves safe
-The importance of wearing gloves
-Reassuring a casualty and talking to them
-Making a 999 call/getting help
-Minor cuts and severe cuts and how to treat them
-Foreign objects and what to do
-Being aware of a casualty suffering ‘shock’ - reassuring them - lying them down and keeping them warm
We then had some fun, drawing little red injuries on each other and putting plasters on!