British Science Week
Lesson: Science
The children have been celebrating British Science Week with a whole host of fascinating science lessons.
Class One: The children carried out a seed investigation, looking at the different sizes and shapes of each seed under a microscope. They researched what each seed would grow in to and then the children planted the seeds and placed them in to the mini greenhouse.
The children set up an investigation to see which conditions are best for growing cress seeds. They have provided the seeds with sunlight and water as a baseline, then they have set up other seeds with only sunlight and then only water. The children are keeping a diary to see which seeds grow the best.
The children also made their own paper as part of a recycling project. They collected all the scrap paper from around the school, ripped it up and added water then blended it to make a pulp. The pulp was then sieved through a mesh frame and left to dry.
Class Two: As part of their IPC topic on the Great Fire of London, the children designed and built boats like the ones the people would have used to escape on to the River Thames. The children used a variety of different materials and they all worked out why their boats floated or sank. The children discovered that the lightest boats with the largest surface area stayed afloat the longest.
Class Three: This week the children have continued their work on the human body. After previously looking at the functions of teeth, the children thought about oral healthcare. They used charcoal toothpaste to visually demonstrate where they had brushed their teeth.
The children were excited to learn about the human digestive system. In small groups, the children created model stomachs, small intestines and large intestines. Modelling the functions of these organs, the children made 'poo' using; orange juice (stomach acid), water (saliva) and bananas and crackers (food).
In PE the children set up obstacle courses designed to use the body in different ways. The children track the changes in their bodies, before and after the exercise.
Class Four: The children responded to the Operation Weather Rescue request made by the Met Office, asking members of the public to help digitise over 2.5 million pieces of historic weather data, dating back as early as 1860. The children had to access the records, zoom in and find key pieces of data for different locations across the UK then upload the information to the database.