“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” Colossians 3:23

Bishop Sam

It was wonderful to welcome Bishop Sam, the Bishop of Stockport, to St John’s today. We spent a fun filled morning with him. First he had sneak peek of our Easter assembly. This was followed by a thoughtful Q&A session. The Bishop then met governors and the School Parliament, who explained to him their courageous advocacy and global work. Next, came the school tour. The Bishop was enchanted by a Palm Sunday re-enactment in Class 1, a Forest School experience courtesy of Class 2, a look at religious artwork in Class 3 and a discussion relating to ‘Who is Jesus?’ in Class 4. Before he left, the Bishop robed our very own St John’s Bishop. It was such a special visit and the children, as always, were amazing.

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