Our News items
Sport, by Mrs Walker
Inter-School Rounders Competition, by Mrs Watson
Skipping Challenge, by Mrs Walker
Quad Kids Champions, by Mrs Walker
Lunch Time, by Mrs Walker
WWF Live Lesson for World Ocean Day, by Mrs Watson
Cultural Diversity Day, by Mrs Watson
Carbon Neutral Film Crew at St John's, by Mrs Walker
Year 6 Hoodies, by Mrs Walker
Safeguarding School Council Assembly, by Mrs Watson
End of SATs Treat, by Mrs Watson
Egg Candling, by Mrs Walker
Football Match, by Mrs Walker
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Tree, by Mrs Walker
Girls On Board, by Mrs Watson
World Autism Day, by Mrs Watson
Cheshire Down Syndrome Support Group, by Mrs Walker
Cross Country Championships, by Mrs Walker
Online Safety Presentation, by Mrs Walker
World Maths Day 2022, by Mrs Watson
World Water Day 2022, by Mrs Watson
World Down Syndrome Day, by Mrs Walker
Year 5/6 Cross Country, by Mrs Walker
School Council Ukraine Fundraiser, by Mrs Walker