Our News items
E-Safety-Federation, by Mrs Watson
Academies - Week 1, by Mrs Watson
EYFS Pinterest page, by Mrs Jobbins
Safeguarding Pupil Council Presentation, by Mrs Watson
Lets go fly a kite!, by Mrs Stout
Wave of Prayer, by Mrs Walker
Quail update, by Mrs Jobbins
The Mobile Library comes to Pott Shrigley., by Miss Smith
Forest School, by Mrs Jobbins
Quail update, by Mrs Jobbins
Cool Ride To School, by Mrs Jobbins
Year 3 Eucharist , by Mrs Stout
E-Safety, by Mrs Jobbins
E-Safety lessons, by Mrs Stout
Year 6 E-Safety, by Miss Smith
E-Safety - Class 3, by Mrs Watson
Year 5 E-Safety, by Miss Smith
Federation Easter Service, by Mrs Walker
Parent's E-Safety Talk, by Mrs Walker
Shakespeare week!, by Miss Smith
Swimming Gala, by Mrs Watson
Biodiversity Day , by Mrs Stout
Celebrating Shakespeare Week , by Mrs Watson
Class 2 Assemblies, by Mrs Walker
Fairtrade and AZ Science, by Mrs Walker