Our News items
Chinese Worship and a Sad Goodbye, by Mrs Walker
Shrove Tuesday, by Mrs Walker
Lent Assembly, by Mrs Watson
The Deputy Mayor and Councillors Visit, by Mrs Walker
Hockey Tournament, by Mrs Walker
Robin Hood Theatre Workshop, by Mrs Walker
National Handwriting Day, by Mrs Walker
Class 3 Weather Watch, by Mr Timmis
Class 2 People of the Past , by Mrs Stout
Food Bank Donation, by Mrs Walker
Christmas Parties, by Mrs Walker
Stay, Play and Pray, by Mrs Walker
Christmas Dinner, by Mrs Walker
Class 2 Visit the Post Office, by Mrs Stout
Key Stage 2 Production: Mr Humbug, by Mrs Walker
Christmas Fair, by Mrs Walker
Key Stage 1 Nativity, by Mrs Walker
Christingle 2017, by Mrs Walker
Coop Cheque Presentation, by Mrs Walker
Swimathon, by Mrs Walker
Global Goals Assembly, by Mrs Watson
Ethos Meeting Director, by Mrs Walker
Chemistry with Cabbage, by Mrs Watson
Author visit - Jo Welch, by Mrs Watson
China Visit, by Mrs Walker