Our News items
International Schools Award Plaque, by Mrs Watson
Baking Apple Crumble, by Mrs Walker
Class 4 - E-Safety, PSHE and No Outsiders work, by Mrs Watson
Coronavirus Update, by Mrs Walker
First Week Back and Rev Veronica, by Mrs Walker
Creativity in Class 2, by Mrs Walker
International Schools Award, by Mrs Walker
Lab Coats, by Mrs Walker
Class 2 Assembly , by Mrs Walker
Ash Wednesday, by Mrs Watson
Shrove Tuesday, by Mrs Watson
Mayor and Councillors , by Mrs Walker
Children’s Mental Health Week, by Mrs Walker
Sports Updates, by Mrs Walker
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Walker
Year 2 Family Lunch, by Mrs Walker
Stay, Play and Pray and Secret Reader, by Mrs Walker
Donation to British Lions, by Mrs Walker
Early Years Quality Mark, by Mrs Walker
Designing and Creating a Willy Wonka Chocolate Bar, by Mr Timmis
Christmas Jumper Day, by Mrs Stout
Christmas Lunch, by Mrs Walker
Christingle, by Mrs Walker
Music Assembly , by Mrs Walker
Carols at Mount Hall, by Mrs Walker